Garden Centre Opening!
The Wile's Lake Farm Market Garden Centre is open! As it was for the market kitchen and bakery, this is not an ordinary season at the Garden Centre, but we believe at this time plants are more important than ever to nourish our bodies and feed our souls. The very act of sowing, planting, and tending gardens or even nurturing simple container plantings on our balconies or porches has the potential to bring a bit of peace and perspective. Here's some information on how to shop at the Garden Centre. SHOP IN PERSON To facilitate safe shopping, we will be permitting a maximum of 7 to 9 people in the greenhouse at one time. This is the number we feel we can allow while maintaining social distancing. If you would like to shop in person at the greenhouse: 1. Call for an appointment. We will schedule 5 people per hour between 12 and 6 pm for 1 hour visits to the greenhouse each day we are open. You can call the market to book your appointment now. We are NOT taking appointments through Facebook posts or messages or by email. Please come as close to your appointed hour as possible. Tell the person at the door that you have arrived and then wait in your car until your time. We'll let you know when you can enter. 2. Come to the greenhouse without an appointment. We will let you in one at a time as space allows. Please tell the person at the door that you would like to shop. They will take your name. Please go back to your car to wait until you are called. We ask all people shopping in person to do their shopping quickly to enable others to have access. Unfortunately due to social distancing, we may not be able to provide the personal assistance to which you are accustomed. We regret this and will do the best we can to direct you and answer your questions from a safe distance. A small selection of plants and garden products will be available for purchase in the seed and market areas. Please pay for those items at the market register. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS The door to Garden Centre facing the market is locked. Please drive up to the Garden Centre parking lot and use the rear door. All greenhouse products purchased in person must be paid for at the Garden Centre cash register. Credit or Debit only, please. Please be prepared to load your own car. Please practice social distancing at all times. ORDER BY PHONE You can also get your plants and flowers by calling us on the phone and placing and paying for your order. We will be adding plant shopping lists to website and our pinned Facebook post at the top of our page in the near future. When you come to pick up your order, drive to the upper parking lot and let the person at the door know that you've come to pick up your order. We will deliver to your car. ORDER ONLINE Our online ordering system is ready!
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